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Honey Cookies

Yields1 ServingPrep Time20 minsCook Time30 minsTotal Time50 mins

Yummy Honey Cookies.

Honey is my all time favorite natural liquid gold sweet food of all time , and comes in so many different flavors and varieties.

I’m pretty sure if you love honey as much as I do, your gonna love this recipe. Sometimes I top them with a lemon icing if they ever get to that point.

Honey Cookies

 60g unsalted butter
 1/4 cup honey
 1 cup wholemeal self raising flour
 1/4 cup unbleached plain flour
 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
 1/4 cup unprocessed bran
Here is the recipe for lemon icing:
 2/3 cup icing sugar
 1 tablespoon lemon juice
 1 teaspoon honey

In mixer bowl cream butter and honey. add sifted flours and return husks back in, cinnamon,& ginger. Add bran, mix well.


Flour the work bench and lightly knead dough until smooth. Wrap in plastic food wrap and refrigerate 30 mins.


Preheat oven to 160 degrees C, lightly grease and paper line bake trays.


Place a grease proof paper down on work bench, place dough out onto it and sandwich with another piece of grease paper, roll out dough to 5mm thickness. You can also use cling film for the roll out sandwich technique.


Cookie cutter 5cm round or fluted to shape cookies and place on trays to bake for 10 mins., or until golden brown.


Remove from trays to wire rack cool.


If intent on icing, pre plan the icing prior to coming out of the oven as the cookies should be dipped with icing while still warm.


Sift the icing sugar into a bowl, then add the lemon juice and honey mixing well.


Dipping cookies into the icing while the cookies are still warm, place back onto the wire rack to fully set.


Place in the fridge if further setting is required, depending on climate. Serve.